Author Guidelines

Manuscripts received by the editorial team of Adi Karsa : Jurnal Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan will be considered for publication if they meet the following conditions:

  1. The manuscript is in the form of original articles, literature review or best practices in the field of education.
  2. The manuscript has never been published in any publication and is not in the process of being published by other media.
  3. The research article has to follow the sequence systematic:
    • Introduction (25%, includes background, literature review in accordance with the research question, objectives, and benefits of research).
    • Material and methods (15%,).
    • Results and discussion (50%).
    • Conclusions and Suggestions (10%, conclusions based on the results and discussion, answering research questions, and Suggestions containing recommendations that are applicable and have implications for policies in the field of education).
    • References. Using the reference manager (Mendeley) with APA 7th edition style, synchronize the citations in the manuscript and the bibliography, At least 10 papers (80% journals, refers to the last 10 years).
  4. The article review has to follow the sequence systematic:
    • Introduction (25%, includes background, literature review in accordance with the research question, objectives, and benefits of writen manuscript).
    • Material and methods (15%, presents the literature review method and the stages of literature processing).
    • Results and discussion (50%, presents the development of theory / concept. The results are linked to public policy in the field of education.
    • Conclusions and Suggestions (10%, Conclusions based on the result and discussion, answering study problems, Suggestions containing recommendations that are applicable in the field of education).
    • Using the reference manager (Mendeley) with APA 7th edition style, synchronize the citations in the manuscript and the bibliography, The minimum number of references is 15 articles (80% journals, refers to the last 10 years).
  5. The best practices has to follow the sequence systematic:
    • Introduction (25%, including background, research questions, objectives and benefits of the best practise).
    • Material and methods (15%, presents the best practices writing method, time, place, subject, procedure, instrument and data analysis technique).
    • Results and discussion (50%, presents problem solving strategies, implementation of best practices, obstacles, impacts, and sustainability, supported by data from the author's education unit).
    • Conclusion and Suggestions (10%, conclusion is made based on discussion to answer the research questions. Suggestions contain recommendations that are applicable and have implications in the field of education).
    • Using the reference manager (Mendeley) with APA 7th edition style, synchronize the citations in the manuscript and the bibliography, At least 10 papers (80% journals, refers to the last 10 years).
  6. The submited manuscript should be written in the Ideguru Journal Article Template.
  7. Manuscript is sent to the editor in a softcopy with the extension .doc or .docx via the website:, instructions for submitting manuscripts are available on the Panduan Pengiriman.
  8. Editors have the right to edit or correct the manuscript without changing its contents.
  9. The authors are responsible for the contents of the articles.
  10. The author need to write a short bio with a complete address, email, and a mobile phone / WhatsApp number that can be contacted.
  11. Manuscripts received by the editorial staff are categorized as 'accepted', 'received with revision', and 'rejected'.
  12. Acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be notified by the editorial staff to the author via the website, email or sms / WhatsApp.