Pemanfaatan prototipe pelindung telur dalam pembelajaran momentum dan impuls model PjBL untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Abad 21
egg protection prototype, PjBL, 21st century skillsAbstract
Physics is a science that encourages students to try to find order in the universe. The discovery process can be considered as a critical thinking process that requires creativity, communication skills and collaboration. Physics learning is developed to bring out the imagination that underlies the process of critical thinking. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be shown that the use of egg-protecting prototype media in Momentum and Impulse learning carried out using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model is an interesting learning activity. This learning fosters the ability to criticize and seek solutions to problems together, innovate and develop creativity, practice working together, and being able to communicate ideas which are 21st century skills. In addition, this learning is also able to increase students' interest in learning physics. The ability of students to analyze a problem, accept scientific evidence that is different from hypotheses, the ability to think creatively and analytically and gain new experiences in learning can be explored from this learning activity.
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