Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Nilai Tempat dengan Metode Demonstrasi Media Kartu Angka
value, mathematics, media, demonstration, cardsAbstract
Student learning outcomes in mathematics, especially place value material, for class I students at SD N Kategan Pundong Bantul are still quite low. This research was conducted to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects, describing the steps in the number card media demonstration method to improve student achievement. This research was conducted collaboratively using the Kemmis and Mc Teggart research model with class 1 research subjects totaling 12 students. Data was collected by observation and using student learning outcomes data, then analyzed using indicators of student success which must be achieved at 75 with a class average of 75 and student completeness of 75%. The results of the research show that learning mathematics using the number card media demonstration method can improve mathematics learning outcomes regarding place value in class I students at SDN Kategan Pudong Bantul. The average student learning outcome in cycle I was 74.00, 42% completeness. Meanwhile, cycle II increased to 90.33 with 92% completeness. Thus, the number card media demonstration method is an effective learning method in improving student learning outcomes and activities in mathematics subject matter of place value.
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